You are here: 10. Third Party Tools > 10.1. Denso Batch Scanner > 10.1.3. Using the Micronet Batch Scanner - Bluetooth > Stocktaking with the Micronet Batch Scanner > Scanner Stocktake Procedure
Scanner Stocktake Procedure

Before you create a stocktake batch in Micronet, you need to use the batch scanner to scan the item barcodes and enter the quantities of each scanned item. To do this:

  1. From the scanner main menu, select Stocktake mode then press Enter.
  2. If there is a previous stock count on the scanner and it has been uploaded to Micronet, select Clear Stocktake then select Yes and press Enter to clear it.

  3. Select Collect then press Enter.
  4. Scan the barcode of each item, use the numbers on the keypad to enter the item quantity and then press Enter.
  5. When you have scanned all items, press F1 to exit then press the Backspace button to return to the main menu.